"Our Time of Troubles... commenced with the catastrophic events of the year of 1914... Our civilization has just begun to recover." - Arnold Toynbee

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Been hard at work researching for three papers

A few weeks have went by while I continue to research and write my three semester papers and also keep up with the weekly readings. Drafts are now in progress. I have about 38 pages on London coffeehouses and British Atlantic consumer culture in the eighteenth century from revamped and original material. I need to insert more references though, and reorganize. I have also completed about 13 pages on violence in the contemporary world (specifically evaluating the many dimensions of conflict in the twentieth century). I have focused more on the intellectual and political side, but I need to drop in more demographic and economic data. More referencing work lies ahead of me. My third paper will address nineteenth century Protestant missionaries and their fitful relationship with imperial resources, structures, and ideas. I am completing my secondary readings for that one.

However, I will be visiting the famed Lake District this Saturday, and will be visiting Wordsworth's grave, Beatrix Potter's Hill Top Farm, and walking/driving around Windermere, including a short ride on the ferry. Thank you, Tony Richards for allowing me a peep these past six years!

In the meanwhile, the autumn has been coming on more slowly than in Michigan...

  Food in a cafe... beautiful Mocha...
 A glimpse from the top study hall in the Armstrong Building... My citadel.
 Out my window...

A sunny morning today...


  1. Is that 38 papers or 38 pages? I sure hope for your sake that it is 38 pages. Sounds like a good time. Autumn has been slow coming here as well. Yesterday we had a high of 80 degrees (on Nov. 2nd!). Usually we have a frost here by mid-October, yet we have not had one yet.


  2. Thank you, Peter. I fixed the typo.

    The Gateshead Presbyterian Church and seminary are also occupying a lot of my time. The seminary has three students (it is still an infant off-shoot of Greenville Seminary), but all three are very astute young men with a vision for expanding a Reformed presbyterian presence in England. This is a very devout group over here and well read in the original Greek, too. Perhaps, you're familiar with Rev. Schweitzer's book: Engaging with Keller: Thinking Through the Theology of an Influential Evangelical

    I'm staying with a family from the church just south of Gateshead in a little stone farmhouse, and its just the perfect inspiration for higher learning. They are fluent in several languages and their son has just won and award from Cambridge for his Greek.

    It snowed in Michigan last week, but then reached 70 degrees. Of course, they use the metric system over here...
